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15th September 2024 meeting
Attendees (those who signed the attendance sheet)
Officers: Alexandra Hamit (Chair) Isabelle Gore (website rep) Paul Brenells (over 60’s rep) Daphne Steele (dog rep) Lucy Carter ( running rep) Amir Dotan (Park history rep)
Park Users: Emrah Alagoz, Cyndi Diamond, Jordan Traynor, Melissa Blaha, Fliss Premru (Cllr Clissold Ward), Rob Wilkinson, Lisa Haywood, Yvonne Hill, Margaret Renn , Julie Ibbott, Andrew Hudson, Sarah Kissack, Frieda Schicker, Bhavini Patel, Sophie Verhagan, Jessica Wiper Jeremy Stickings, Sophie Cameron.
1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: Theresa Boden (vice chair) John Hudson (vice chair) Richard Crawford (biodiversity rep) Caroline Miller (Treasurer) Sade Etti (Cllr Clissold Ward) Hilde Oord.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated and approved
3. Election of Officers
Nomination received: Melissa Blaha (CPUG secretary)
Melissa gave a speech and was then elected by unanimous vote.
Representative nomination received: Sarah Kissack ( waste management rep)
4. Chairs Report
Café: Group voiced a variety of concerns and asked questions on menu choices, demographics, social-inclusivity, dietary requirements and steps taken to ensure the next company doesn’t go the same way as Deep Beat. Although many of the details of the meeting with Sam Parry (Hackney Parks and Development Manager) were confidential, queries were answered with as much detail as possible. Details and links to where the contract can be found were shared and members invited to view the documents, which were made public on the 23rd of August.
Points raised: Cllr Fliss Premu asked if people with dietary requirements such as halal were being considered. Sarah Kissack made the point that the council will not be able to take anything into account that is not part of the evaluation criteria and that this is an important stage in the process.
Attendee (apologies for not noting a name) informed the group that there is a 10 day period after a contract is awarded, in which the decision can be challenged by the community, if it is believed to be un unsuitable choice.
Cycling Day of Action: The group briefly discussed this event. Alexandra mentioned finding it difficult to get in touch with the organisation Dr.Bike as they seem to only have contacts through Councils. An email was sent to the Hackney council cycling department on 5th September but we have not yet received a reply.
Action: Email sent to Hackney cycling to be chased up. Alexandra to email Quinten.
Hilde Oord to arrange event details.
Bio Diversity and Ecology: Richard Crawford (bio diversity officer) suggested we host bat walks in the park. Richard has been in contact with Angela Clare from the Abney Park ecology group to arrange for some time before November, when the bats will roost for most of the winter.
A selection of different bird boxes funded by CPUG are to be installed on 5th October.
Fliss Premru shared with the group her positive experiences while conducting recent bird nesting surveys in the park, along with volunteers that could pick out species by birdsong. Fliss asked if we could make birdsong walks an offer to members of the public.
Points raised: Wrens in particular can take up to 2 years to decide to use a bird box.
Action: Richard and Angela to arrange bat walks and circulate details once dates are set.
Volunteers to install bird boxes. Richard to monitor boxes and see if there is a pattern of use and a design of box which seems preferable to the birds. Alexandra to liaise with Richard on possible public birdsong walks.
Volunteering – World Cleanup Day: The group discussed this event and information was given on how to volunteer.
FINKS confirmed they would be providing a free hot beverage for all volunteers.
Alexandra confirmed a CPUG Eventbrite account has been created for advertising and for receiving registered interest in events.
Points raised: Alexandra hoping this event will restart the monthly litter picking session, that had stopped due to Quinten not being available to host them. Sarah Kissack asked that recycling be considered on the pick and that green sacks, as well as black, are handed out to volunteers.
Action: Alexandra and Richard to host event. Alexandra to liaise with Sarah Kissack on restarting regular public litter picking session at the park.
CPUG Stall – FreeWheelin Feastival:
Chair asked for volunteers to man a CPUG stall at the above event and suggested the stall be in situ on Sunday the 29th between 11-3pm. An email had been sent to Quinten on 5th September and he redirected to the Hackney events team. An email was then sent to the events team on 9th September, asking for details on the event layout and where we could place the stall and we are still awaiting a reply. A cleaning festival type of event was suggested for the future.
Action: Alexandra to chase up email sent to Hackney events, to liaise with park rangers regarding a buggy to transport and help to set up CPUG tent and banner. Caroline Millar to arrange merchandise stock, prices and ways people can pay for items.
Clissold Ward Meeting: Although this item was on the agenda it was accidentally skipped. Cllr Fliss Premu gave update that the meeting would be held on Wednesday 2nd of October at 6.30pm in Hawksley Court community centre. The ward community safety police officer and a member of the ASBO team will be in attendance.
Eurobins/Recycling/Event Waste Management: Feedback from Quinten was given on concerns raised by Sarah Kissack, regarding Eurobins, separation of waste materials, recycling in the park in general and waste management for events. It was confirmed extra bins seen near the playground were there for an event and have since been removed, as the event ended. Park management have said they cannot monitor what type of waste users place into which bins. Group discussed possibilities of having a recycling bin placed next to the general waste bin near the playground. An email was sent to Quinten on the 9th of September asking for details of the event waste management plan, which has now been requested several times by CPUG, and we are yet to receive that documentation.
Sarah Kissack mentioned separate collections for recyclables and drew attention to stalls at Feastival events, stating they have no separate bins for recycling. Sarah volunteered to be the CPUG Waste management rep, Sarah also volunteered to empty a Eurobin and sort it’s contents into categories, to get a better view of what goes into them. Sarah said this could be part of the future cleanup festival, suggested earlier in the meeting.
Points raised: Bhavini Patel mentioned the importance of also promoting the reduction of waste and recycling.
Action: Alexandra to chase email to Quinten. Sarah to arrange and inform group on day of action, at some point in future.
5. Items raised by park users not already dealt with elsewhere on agenda
Tennis Courts: Alexandra informed group of a message received from a park user David George, asking for a review of the tennis court policy to close early during winter months, as the Hackney tennis lease will soon be up for renewal.
Action: Alexandra to email Hackney Tennis to ask questions about the lease renewal and restricted operational hours. Alexandra to have talks with David upon his return to the country and with Richard about possible negative effects on bats and other wildlife, the extended hours of lighting might cause.
Self-Closing Gates: Group discussed previous meeting progress on the matter. Alexandra informed the group she had emailed Quinten on 11th of September asking if a design had been selected and if we could have an update on installation but is yet to receive a reply.
Points raised: Yvonne suggested we request a park keepers report for meetings that Quinten cannot attend, as has been done in the past.
Alexandra has requested a face to face or video meeting with Quinten but was asked to send relevant items via email instead. Alexandra does try to put as many questions into one email as possible, to avoid flooding his inbox.
Action: Alexandra to chase email to Quinten and request park keepers report for next meeting.
Fountain Functionality and Sign: Group discussed faulty fountain that has been dry for a number of weeks now and Caroline’s suggestion to fund a new CPUG plaque. Alexandra emailed Universal Stone on 6th September for a quote. Any plans to spend will be thoroughly discussed beforehand and made as a group decision.
Action: Daphne suggested we contact the Heritage of London Trust who specialise in fountain restoration and has volunteered to do so. Alexandra to share quote with group, once it is received from Universal Stone.
6. AOB
Animal Welfare: Bhavini Patel brought up the matter of animal welfare in the park with regard to animals in cages and suggested the animals in the park be transferred to sanctuaries and the spaces they are currently kept in, be used for other/educational purposes or left for nature to take over. Bhavini asked for advice on how to start this discussion with the community on a wider scale. This is a matter that is frequently discussed at user group meetings.
Points raised: Some members of the group feel the animals are an attraction to the park, well looked after and well received in past surveys. Sophie mentioned budgets and that there would be no spare funds to regenerate the areas the animals are currently housed.
Action: Alexandra suggested Bhavini’s first point of contact should be Quinten. Alexandra to enquire about another public survey on the deer, as it hasn’t been looked at again for a couple of years and to look into arranging Deer talks.
Growing Communities Garden Open Day:
Sophie Verhagan of Growing Communities attended the meeting and informed the group of the event taking place on the same day from 12-4pm in the Growing Communities garden in the park.
Alexandra mentioned advertising the event on CPUG Facebook group and asked if GC could follow the group and update the page on any future events.
Action: Alexandra to get a report on how the event went, numbers of attendees etc
Shelter and Seating: Bhavini Patel brought up the lack of shelter, seating and warm spaces for users to enjoy beverages etc in winter months. Bhavini asked if the coffee truck could be brought into the rose garden under the houses awning, to provide shelter for customers during winter months or if a gazebo could be erected and seating put out.
Lucy Carter mentioned the long wooden benches under Clissold House house awning being a sheltered place to sit and asking that benches are set out for this and not put away or moved so that they cannot be used.
The group chatted briefly about a hardstanding pavilion where brass bands etc could play but understands this is an ideal and the parks budget would not currently cover it.
Points raised: There is a hill up to the house and the coffee truck being in that location may mean it won’t be accessible for all. That the current spot the coffee truck is in is a good spot and that sheltered seating should be put there.
Action: Alexandra to chat to park rangers, Quinten and Hackney Venues on issues raised.
Clissold House: Yvonne Hill started a conversation on the use of the house now that the café is closed. While weddings still take place at the house, users feel that a community space created for everyone is becoming evermore inaccessible in general, with the house often locked and no staff on site, and also with regards to disabilities and community events. Lucy Carter voiced concerns on reduced or lack of community events, socials, classes, workshops and poor advertising of events that are scheduled. Fliss Premu said it was a pity the house could not be used in some way as a warm place, even though the café is currently closed.
Points raised: Yvonne pointed out that when the National Lottery fund was awarded in 2012, one of the conditions was that the house would be accessible to everybody.
Sophie mentioned these issue had been brought up in many past meetings and that we would need councillors to push forward with any changes in that area.
Action: Alexandra to email Hackney venues with a view to getting more information on community events taking place in the house presently, what is being planned for the future and to ask how the space is advertised to potential hirers and events advertised to users once they are booked in.
Drainage: Members asked this item be put back on the agenda. Back in July Quinten updated the group with news that some drains were cleaned in the winter and some replacement pipes installed. That Wave were doing leak detection tests, that the playground issues were major jobs and that the SUDS system was costed but not able to be funded. Alexandra sent an email to Quinten on 6th September asking for an update on the tests performed and is yet to receive a reply.
Action: Alexandra to ask for up to date information on park drainage to be added to a park keepers report for the next meeting.
Park Keepers: 0208 3566834. This connects to a mobile so please leave a message.
Park Areas Manager: Quinten.geurs@hackney.gov.uk or call 020 8356 4215
Café Management: new details coming soon
Clissold House Venues and Events Officer, venuehire@hackney.gov.uk or call 020 8356 5505
Head of Leisure and Green Spaces Ian.Holland@hackney.gov.uk
Hackney Council Cabinet Member for Parks: caroline.woodley@hackney.gov.uk
Police: 0208 721 2923 / 07879 603106 / Clissold.snt@met.police.uk
Clissold Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8721 2923
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