Meeting minutes

CPUG meetings are the main forum for airing public concerns about the way the Park is managed and developed in the future. Whatever your main interest in the Park (playground, children, trees, wildlife, fun, football, tennis, running…) you can influence future developments by engaging with us.
Social Media: we also regularly post information and engage with park users via our social media accounts on Facebook (4,481 members as at March 2023) and Twitter (4,217 followers as at March 2023).

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9th November 2024 meeting

Officers: Alexandra Hamit (chair), Melissa Blaha(secretary), Richard Crawford (biodiversity rep), Tom Berliner (cycling rep), Emily Robson Mercer (children and young people rep), Hilde Oord (fundraising rep) Yvonne Hill (fundraising rep), Daphne Steele (dogs rep), Amir Dotan (history rep), Paul Brennells (over 60s rep)
Park Users: Jeremy Stickens , Shelagh Prosser, Dot Lewis, Matt Appleton, Cllr Fliss Premru (Clissold Ward), Julie Ibbott, Laura Nicchi Ghiri, Betty Manning.
Remote Attendees: Theresa Boden (vice chair), Judy Slater

1. Welcome, introduction and apologies

Apologies: Lucy Carter (running rep), Isabelle Gore (website rep), John Hudson (vice chair), Sarah Kissack (waste management rep), Caroline Millar (treasurer), David George, Caroline Diehl, Ruth Spencer, Cllr Sade Etti (Clissold Ward)

2. Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated and approved

3. Park user representatives nominations

Emily Robson Mercer & Sophie Cameron – Children and Young Person reps
Hilde Oord and Yvonne Hill – Fundraising reps
Ruth Spencer – Disabilities and Accessibility rep
David George – Tennis rep
Tom Berliner – Cycling rep

4. Chairs Report

The café tender review is ongoing and opening is still planned for February 2025.
Accessibility concerns were raised due to limited entry options for people withm mobility issues/impairments and bronze sign with contact number for access deemed insufficient.
Need for clear contract terms with regards to accessibility and for those terms to be properly enforced by the council and adhered to by winner of the contract.
Suggestion to recruit a café rep.
Actions: Chair to advertise for a café rep and update group on café plans when/where possible.

Cycling/Data Collection/Day of Action
There has been an increase of complaints about cycling speed and park cut-throughs.
Group had discussion on potential solutions, such as pinch points, staggered railings and clearer/new signage to encourage safer cycling and prohibit cycling in areas it is not permitted, such as the playground. Due to not yet receiving a response from Dr. Bike to arrange an informational and bike repairing event, data collection days are to be planned. Fliss Premu offered to take emails from users wanting to issue a complaint, to be passed on to relevant people at the council and discussed at the next full council meeting on 27th November.
Actions: Chair to handover existing communications with the council and plans for data collection days, to cycling rep.

Biodiversity/Fundraising/Growing Communities
CPUG hosted 3 very successful bat walks in September and October with plans for more in the new year. Bird boxes funded by CPUG have been installed.
A suggestion was made to increase biodiversity efforts and possibly fundraise for new plantings.
Group discussed Growing Communities and the lack of collaboration between the CPUG and GC.

World clean up day/volunteering
This was a successful event which had a significant volunteer turnout and CPUG plans to participate annually. A question was raised on regular litter picking sessions at the park and whether they still take place. Alexandra has raised this with the waste management rep with a view to restarting the sessions but litter in the park is significantly reduced during autumn/winter months.
Chair extends thanks to volunteers and to Finks Pump House for providing refreshments.
Actions: Chair to look at possible bimonthly litter picks during colder months.

CPUG stall at Freewheelin Feastival
During the 4hrs on the stall we received 329 survey responses, sold merchandise, raised awareness of park user group initiatives and recruited 20 new members.

Clissold ward meeting
The meeting focused on ongoing police patrols and strategies to manage antisocial behaviour, on some occasions involving local youths. The situation seems to have improved since the summerbut will be kept at top priority for ward officers.
CPUG meeting attendees asked for better emergency signage within the park.
Actions: Chair to liaise with Fliss Premu to compile a comprehensive list of emergency and key contact numbers.

Event waste management
Park management not aware of the waste management plan. Looking to see how we can surface this more.
Actions: Alexandra to chase emails to contact at Hackney council.

Self-closing gates
No update on decision or design. We had heard that the design was chosen but process seems to have gone cold despite numerous attempts from CPUG to get answers. The group discussed that the item had been on the agenda for some 5 years
Actions: Alexandra to continue to ask for updates on design choice and installation.

Fountain functionality/CPUG sign
All fountain push stoppers and taps are now fixed. A comment was made around issues with sluice gate functionality and theCPUG sign on the fountain is still being looked at for replacement.
Actions: Alexandra to speak to Quinten regarding timeline for works on the sluice and to look into alternative suppliers to quote on the fountain plaque.

Animal welfare
Suggestions for more informational signage about park animals, for the group to recruit a park animals representative and for a separate meeting about park signage. Group discussed a public survey and animal talks for educational purposes and to help ease the public concern around their welfare.
Actions: Richard and Alexandra to liaise on animal talks. Alexandra to arrange signage meeting and advertise for a park animals rep.

Shelter/Seating for coffee cart
The council and park management are not exploring seating or shelter for the coffee cart. Park manager Quinten has supplied some links to how to find warm spaces in the area.

Clissold House
Hackney Venues response was read to the group re community access, cost and types of event bookings. They have community hire rates for all venues, there are a range of community activities scheduled at Clissold House and they welcome any help with advertising.

WAVE flow rate was conducted and no issues were found. No leaks found by Thames Water test. SuDS drainage too costly to fund.

5. Items raised not already dealt with elsewhere on agenda

Memorial Bench – Request for guidance on installing a memorial bench.
Actions: Alexandra to provide contact details.

Amplified music – Request to reintroduce anti-amplified music signage.
Actions: Alexandra to liaise with park management.

Paths planned resurfacing – paths difficult to navigate safely in wheelchair.
Still no update on when this work will commence but it will be kept on the agenda.

Playground disrepair/accessibility/renovation – concerns were raised on faulty equipment being completely removed. Request for more disability-friendly equipment and play spaces separated by age groups.
Actions: Children and young persons reps to take over communications regarding these issues.

Toilet cleanliness and opening times – Request made for toilets to be cleaned and opened earlier. Park management explained that the budget does not allow for this.

Duke of Edinburgh award – CPUG to facilitate local child earning their DofE by volunteering in the park.
Actions: Chair to assist volunteer and ask Growing Communities if they have any volunteering opportunities and to enquire about CRB/DBS checks. Children and young person reps to assist in contacting local schools etc to offer similar opportunities.

Christmas at Clissold event – CPUG hoping to arrange and host a community singalong event on December the 22nd. Separate talks to be arranged for costs and fundraising.
Actions: Caroline, Alexandra, Hilde and Yvonne to organise and advertise the event.

6. AOB

One O’Clock Club – facilities seem underused and not well advertised.
Actions: Children and young person reps to contact One O’Clock club to discuss ways to raise the profile of the club with park users.

Holes in ground on fields – offer to assist park staff with filling in holes while on daily dog walks.
Actions: Dog rep to make enquiries

History information boards – information boards were produced on the history of Clissold House, which are yet to be displayed.
Actions: Alexandra to chase with Hackney venues manager.

7. Key dates

CPUG Meeting Dates 2025
11am-12:30pm – New River room:

  • Saturday 11th January
  • Saturday 8th March
  • Saturday 10th May
  • Saturday 12th July
  • Saturday 13th September
  • Saturday 8th November


Park Keepers: 0208 3566834. This connects to a mobile so please leave a message.
Park Areas Manager: or call 020 8356 4215
Café Management: new details coming soon
Clissold House Venues and Events Officer, or call 020 8356 5505
Head of Leisure and Green Spaces
Hackney Council Cabinet Member for Parks:
Police: 0208 721 2923 / 07879 603106 /
Clissold Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8721 2923

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