CPUG meetings are the main forum for airing public concerns about the way the Park is managed and developed in the future. Whatever your main interest in the Park (playground, children, trees, wildlife, fun, football, tennis, running…) you can influence future developments by engaging with us.
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9th March 2024 meeting and AGM
Minutes of the meeting on 9th March 2024
Apologies: Paul Brenells
Attendees: Amir Dotan (CPUG History rep); Isabelle Gore (CPUG website); Julie Ibbott; Yvonne Hill; Joanna Ryan; Bob Wilkinson; Michael Singer; Betty Manning; Richard Crawford (CPUG Biodiversity rep); Sarah Kissack; Daphne Steele (CPUG dogs rep); Fliss Premru (Clissold Councillor); Tom Berliner; Sarah Myland; Sade Etti (Clissold Councillor); By Zoom: Theresa Boden (CPUG Vice Chair); John Hudson (CPUG Vice Chair); Judy Slater; Bernadette Nolan; Susan Egert.
1. Minutes of last meeting
These were approved.
Matters arising:
Dogs PSPO – the results of the consultation have now been published and dogs will still be allowed off-lead in Abney Park and dog walkers are allowed up to 6 dogs.
Markets – Ian Holland, Head of Hackney parks has confirmed none being considered in Clissold Park at the moment.
Disabled access to Clissold House: still an issue especially as previously café was admitting people so needs new phone number.
Action: Sophie asked Sade and Fliss to raise as Councillors.
Action: Richard to put notices up around park to advertise next CPUG meetings.
Biodiversity officer’s report
Report on the Nature Recovery meeting, 23rd February 1.45pm at Clissold House
There were 27 people at the meeting including Quinten Geurs, area manager Hackney parks and green spaces) and Russell Miller (local ecology consultant). Richard outlined the aims of the meeting:
- To think of ways we can raise public awareness of biodiversity in Clissold Park
- To find common ground between different groups of park users around a plan for Nature recovery.
- To form a group of park users concerned about Nature Recovery in Clissold park to take the discussion forward
Richard gave a brief introduction to the ways that Hackney Nature recovery plan would affect Clissold park. Russell Miller then spoke about specific ways in which natural habitats in Hackney could be improved. Quinten suggested that one of the ways that public awareness could be raised was by putting up interpretive boards that would inform park users of species that use the park, and nature-sensitive areas.
We discussed holding the next Bioblitz in the paddling pool area to assess the value of this part of the park as a natural area, perhaps a place where elderly people could sit and enjoy the natural environment. It was felt that other groups of park users should be brought into the discussion.
13 people have volunteered to take the Nature recovery discussion forward and two further meetings have been arranged:
- 11.00 am on Saturday 16th March by the high street gate of Abney Nature reserve,
- 7.00pm at Richard’s house off Church street on Thursday 21st
These are open meetings, and anyone interested in Nature recovery is welcome to attend.
For further details about either of these meetings please contact Richard at richard.elaine18@gmail.com
Action: Sophie to publicise meetings.
Action: Sophie to write to organisations that use park for commercial activities e.g. football clubs and personal trainers to introduce work of CPUG and ask for donation.
Action: Richard to report back on next meetings and actions to be taken.
Chair’s report
Cafe – Sophie read out statement from Ian Holland: We are currently engaging with Deep Beat Entertainment’s administrators regarding the café and reaching a legal resolution for the lease to be handed back to us. In parallel, we had a really positive meeting with the Council’s procurement team regarding putting in place an interim arrangement through a short-procurement process, whilst working on the longer-term arrangement. However, none of this can progress until the situation with the existing lease is resolved. We will keep you regularly updated on the situation’.
Sophie also fed back from meeting with parks officers and confirmed she had written to the Mayor of Hackney and the Cabinet member for procurement and finance to urge a commercial, open and timely approach to procurement in this situation. Attendees very keen to find a temporary operator and not have an important and valued community amenity stand empty. Attendees also noted monies owing to Council and the discussion on the CPUG Facebook page regarding establishing a social enterprise. The person who made this suggestion did not attend the meeting and has not replied to Sophie’s email.
Clissold Park Splashpad:
Statement from Ian Holland: We did commission an inspection of the splashpad in the Autumn. However, it didn’t identify any fundamental issues, apart from the need to replace the pump that broke towards the end of last year’s operation. We therefore winterised the facility (to protect it during the colder weather) and will be replacing the pump shortly and recommissioning the splash pad much earlier this year to enable full testing and fault resolution before it goes into full operation. We believe the arrangements for general operation of the splash pad worked well last year and are currently not anticipating any changes – but happy to listen to thoughts from the User Group ahead of finalising these.
Action: Sophie to feedback comments about communications when splashpad has an outage – these were not clear or consistent in 2023. CPUG happy to help with comms if kept informed.
Signage – Quinten has confirmed that this review is still ongoing and needs to be costed. There are resourcing issues. Attendees agreed distinction between instructive signage (i.e. cycling/dogs) and interpretative (protect nesting birds and encourage nature recovery).
Action: Sophie to ask for volunteers to review signage and make proposals to officers.
Volunteering – gardening and litter picking sessions have been paused whilst Quinten started his new role. These can continue in April if wanted on specific dates/times with a gardener if we have attendees committed.
Action: Sophie to ask for volunteers to ‘lead’ sessions.
Growing communities – we are waiting to hear dates for the planned stall.
Cycling – still hearing complaints about delivery drivers and bikes going too fast through the middle of the park especially. Raised in advance via emails and by several attendees. Can we have more signs and roundels? Can ebike riders be asked to switch off batteries when they are cycling through the park? Can we look into days of action lead by eg Hackney cycling? There are some banners on the park railings, but some have been taken down. People to report on fixmystreet or via this link when this is the case as ASB – not really something Park staff can address as such but appreciate the issue.
Action: will ask for more signs and Needs volunteers to take forward day of action.
Toilets – Sophie reported back on recent meeting with officers about options for new toilets at Clissold House. Sarah Kissack asked for a phone number to be put up in the toilets to report damage.
Action: Sophie to ask officers about a new notice in toilets and again whether splash pad toilets can be open all year round.
Drainage – had feedback in advance of meeting about puddles after heavy rainfall, especially en route to the NW gate, and the stagnant water puddles in the playground are also concerning. Also attendees at meeting Bob Wilkinson complained about drainage on the Green Lanes side of the park. Sophie mentioned that officers had considered SUDs but didnt know where the plans had got to. Attendees asked for more details as it would be reassuring to know that officers had a plan to protect the park agst ravages of climate change.
Action: Sophie to ask for details of drainage plans from officers and share.
Biodiversity – as discussed above. Park officers would welcome some funds for planting in the Rose Garden or chestnut fencing to go round the main beds.
Playground – Lot of repairs have been carried out in recent weeks following yearly inspection. Sophie has asked what happened about installing self closing gates?
Contact details for park wardens/officers – an attendee asked for these to be clearer and on notices round the park in case of difficult situations needing assistance. Sophie said details are on the website and park noticeboards already and she had called wardens recently with positive results.
Action: Someone to review notices and ask for more if required.
Animal welfare – Fliss raised animal welfare – keen for officers to look into fencing around the goats and deer to stop park users feeding them.
Action: Fliss and Sade to raise as Clissold Councillors.
Waste collection and Eurobins – raised by Sarah Kissack – can we have these in the park now we are approaching the busy period of spring/summer. Sarah has raised with Councillors before.
Action: Sophie to raise with officers.
Paddling pool – Attendees wanted to know if any decisions had been made about the use of the paddling pool area or if the consultation would be happening soon. An attendee who lived opposite the paddling pool said that the space was currently being used by dog owners and a dog class was being held there which probably put other park users off.
Action: Sophie to ask for an update from officers.
Park gates – the attendee who lived opposite the park said that on occasion the Clissold Road gates are not locked at night and she can hear people entering the park late.
Park Keepers: 0208 3566834. This connects to a mobile so please leave a message.
Park Areas Manager: Quinten.geurs@hackney.gov.uk or call 020 8356 4215
Café Management: new details coming soon
Clissold House Venues and Events Officer, venuehire@hackney.gov.uk or call 020 8356 5505
Head of Leisure and Green Spaces Ian.Holland@hackney.gov.uk
Hackney Council Cabinet Member for Parks: caroline.woodley@hackney.gov.uk
Police: 0208 721 2923 / 07879 603106 / Clissold.snt@met.police.uk
Clissold Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8721 2923
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