Meeting minutes

CPUG meetings are the main forum for airing public concerns about the way the Park is managed and developed in the future. Whatever your main interest in the Park (playground, children, trees, wildlife, fun, football, tennis, running…) you can influence future developments by engaging with us.
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11th January 2025 meeting

Attendees (those who signed the attendance sheet)
Officers/Reps: Alexandra Hamit (chair) John Hudson (vice chair) Melissa Blaha (secretary) Isabelle Gore (website rep) Paul Brenells (over 60’s rep) Daphne Steele (dog rep) Emily Robson (children and young persons rep) Richard Crawford (biodiversity rep) Hilde Oord & Yvonne Hill (fundraising reps)
Park Users: Shelagh Prosser, Cyndi Diamond, Mat Appleton, Jess Blackstone, Fliss Premru (Cllr Clissold Ward), Sade Etti (Cllr Clissold Ward) Julie Ibbott, Sally Hall, Chris Steele Mark Forsyth.

1. Welcome and apologies

Apologies: Theresa Boden (vice chair) Amir Dotan (history rep) Bhavini Patel (park user)

2. Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated and approved

3. Representative nominations received:

Park Animals – Park user Chris Steele stood and gave statement. Park user Sally Hall expressed an interest in standing and gave statement. Suggestion from chair to work together in the role.

4. Chair’s report

Should find out who won the contract sometime this month to be open from Feb/March. No applications for café rep received. Positive about the way the bid went. Chair confirmed the coffee truck Macchiato Mood will be leaving his pitch at the park once the café opens.
Action: Alexandra to update group as and when possible.

Cycling day of action and speed roundels
Unfortunately, the Cycling Rep Tom has resigned due to time constraints. Have had an email from British Cycling Eastern Region board secretary, offering advice. Heard back from Doctor Bike, and waiting to hear back from park management to set dates for bike repairs and arrange cycling awareness information. Park management clarified that they have obtained quotes to repaint the roundels, but waiting for an approval from a cost perspective. Signage likely to be refreshed rather than changed. Signage meeting sign-up sheet provided for anyone that would like to attend that meeting to discuss this further. No reply from Google maps regarding the fastest route suggestion.
Action: Alexandra to liaise with park management and Dr. Bike and to advertise for Cycling Rep.

The robin boxes were installed in November. Richard Crawford will be planting water lilies in the new river, funded by a park user in memoriam and will seek volunteers nearer the time. Planting approved by park management. Exploring whether lilies can be managed in the ponds too and if dipping pond to be managed as an amphibian pond. Desire for biodiversity talk in Abney last month, to be replicated in Clissold.
Action: Richard to arrange.

Key and emergency contacts
An up to date list of park contacts has been compiled to put on notice boards, café window, website, etc preview at the back of the room for approval. Key for noticeboard has still not been returned by a former park ranger.
Action: Alexandra to print and liase with park management on positioning. Park management to chase key for information board.

Event waste management
Have received information from Hackney Council with event waste management plan. The event waste management is arranged by event organisers by using either Hackney waste services or an external waste management company, who will sort and dispose accordingly. It is the or responsibility of the organiser to arrange this service, prior to their event plans being approved by the council.
Alexandra mentioned that Sarah Kissack (waste management rep) had emailed regarding a desire to start a community composting project, with available London Waste Authority funding for waste prevention. Closing date for funding bids is Dec 2025.
Action: Alexandra to discuss further with Sarah.

Tennis courts
Tennis rep David George has emailed about increasing court opening times. Extending the playing times by an hour and a half will increase funds. Questions on where profit from tennis courts goes (LTA?)
Action: David to chase.

Self-closing gates
Park management informed us there is no update and it has been added to their list of things to chase.

Fountain functionality, sluice works and plaque
Fountain plaque quotes have been requested but not yet been received. Mentions of raising funds for the plaque, perhaps not being at the top of list of priorities for fundraising in the park. List of priorities to be drawn up.
Park management have received quotes to clear the New River intake, but are not feasible. Park stuff have removed organic matter by hand and will turn the pump on, once more organic matter is cleared by hand in warmer month, as doing it before then could cause damage to the pump.
Action: Hilde and Yvonne to list possible fundraising priorities, for review at next meeting. Daphne to contact recommended contractor.

Park animal welfare
Lots of online discussion about the goat now that he is alone in his enclosure. There is no evidence from professionals that the goat is not well cared for or feeling depressed, he is eating well etc however there is an argument that he should go to a sanctuary.  Alexandra is aware of some users that would like to start a campaign, with a view to rehome the goat to a sanctuary. The council is not looking into getting a new goat or sending the current goat to a sanctuary.

Signage meeting
Sheet at the back if anyone would like to sign up to attend. Date to be agreed. Agenda will cover existing and required signs in the park.
Action: Alexandra to send out potential dates.

Paths/planned resurfacing
All pathways have been surveyed and repairs, including those needed in Butterfield Green, will be prioritised based on level of need and available budget.
Action: Alexandra to request a copy of the priority report.

Playground renovations
Vandalism was reported in the playground, wooden tower was set on fire. Repairs on damaged items starting week commencing 13th Jan. No dates agreed on when the whole playground will be renovated or details of contractors.
Action: Alexandra to request an update from parts department.

Toilet renovations
Toilet renovations to begin Monday the 13th Jan until 10th March. New facilities will be more robust, easier to clean and less susceptible to vandalism. Temporary toilets will be available and a sign directing people  to the splash pad toilets, will be hung. Questions on CCTV near the toilets and whether having it trained on the entrance will deter potential vandals. Toilet plans available to review at the back of the room. Discussions around house toilets being available for café customers, when there are no events in Clissold House.
Action: Alexandra to enquire whether CCTV shows toilet entrance and look into possibilities of the house toilets being made available to users. Alexandra, Hilde and Yvonne to meet with Hackney Venues to discuss this and other Clissold House access issues.

Christmas at Clissold
Weren’t able to pull the event off in time due to council red tape. Starting to review now for next year. Ideas for carol singing and Santa’s grotto.
Action: Committee to discuss with a view to bring ideas to meetings nearer the time, for further discussion with the group.

One O’Clock Club
Opening times are on the website and gates. Schedule of activities found online but doesn’t seem to be advertised elsewhere.
Action: Children and Young Persons Rep Emily Robson to enquire with the organisation/Hackney Education where else this timetable is advertised and how this can be improved and the club itself, better signed.

History boards
In talks with the people in Hackney Council to get the designed history boards to new areas.  Council does not have the budget for permanent signs. Looking into whether this is something that can be funded by CPUG or Stoke Newington History.
Action: Alexandra and History Rep Amir to keep communications going with the parks department and explore fundraising ideas.

5. AOB

Paddling pool
When will there be another public consultation with a view to utilising the old paddling pool area.
Action: Alexandra to chase with Hackney Parks development team.

Rose garden
Objection to areas of wildflower meadows in the rose garden area, too many cordons. Some would like childs ball games and tree climbing to be allowed. Call for a rose garden review.
Action: Alexandra to liaise with park management.

Ducklings and lakes
Ducklings getting into difficulty and unable to get up onto the islands in the lakes. Suggestion for ramps to be installed to assist and prevent drowning.
Action: Alexandra and Richard to liaise with park management.

Population in the park getting out of hand, more traps needed.
Action: Alexandra and Richard to liaise with park management.

Clissold/police ward meetings
Clissold ward police meeting on Wednesday the 15th of January at Hawksley Court Community Hall, for consultation on antisocial behaviour. Clissold Ward forum on the 4th of February for general concerns and consultation.

6. Key dates

RSPB Birdwatch with CPUG Biodiversity Rep Richard Crawford
Sunday 26th January, 10am Abney Park (Church St entrance), 12pm Clissold Park (St Mary’s Church entrance)

CPUG Meeting Dates 2025
11am-12:30pm – New River Room:
Saturday 8th March
Saturday 10th May
Saturday 12th July
Saturday 13th September
Saturday 8th November


Park Keepers: 020 8356 6834 This connects to a mobile so please leave a message.
Park Areas Manager: call 020 8356 4215
Café Management: New details coming soon
Clissold House Venues and Events Officer: or call 020 8356 5505
Head of Leisure and Green Spaces:
Hackney Council Cabinet Member for Parks:
Police: 020 8721 2923 or 07879 603 106
Clissold Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8721 2923

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